Did You Know Bestiary League Is A Massive PoE Currency Sink?

The Bestiary league and Hardcore Bestiary league are the upcoming challenge leagues.They will be released on March 2, 2018. This league introduces the Bestiary, the menagerie and beastcrafting. All characters and stashes will be moved to Standard league and Hardcore league respectively when the leagues end. Characters that die in the Hardcore Bestiary league are…

Path of Exile Experience – Leveling A New Character

I am guessing I’m in a minority group that doesn’t mind the leveling process and don’t really need an alternative way, but after leveling 11 characters since the introduction of 5-10 (around 5-6 per league to 90), I’m a lot happier compared to the old act 1-4 repeats. Of course, you can also speed up…

Why Most People Think Bisco Will Affect the Map Drop?

Due to the fact that Bisco’s Collar’s IIQ only applies to normal monsters the actual overall IIQ effect is much lower than the item states. It is currently estimated that Bisco’s Collar is the equivalent of 22.5% IIQ in an unsextanted normal map. But, Does Bisch Affect the Drops of the Map? 1. A sample…

The Groundbreaking Action of the Abyss is in the Path of Exile

Last week, we were talking about War For The Atlas expansion, I got to take an early peek at Path of Exile‘s upcoming War For The Atlas expansion, set to release free for all on December 8th. As impressive as it looks, it is geared heavily towards the more hardcore end of the playerbase: those…